Vaio Banner 2

Friday, May 8, 2009


Sony Vaio P series gives you access to photos, games, movies, and the Internet anywhere you carry it. It lets you run windows Vista, and has a 64 GB hard drive, and 2 GB of ram, allowing you to play almost every windows game. With all these features you’d expect the Vaio to be the size of a normal laptop, however it’s dimensions are 9.7 x 4.7 x 0.8 inches and it only weighs 1.4 pounds, making it completely portable and able to fit in the average pocket without weighing you down. It has the beautiful metallic look of all Sony products and is available in four different colors. The Sony Vaio is equipped with speakers, and can support webcams.
The Sony Vaio is perfect for taking notes during university lectures, holding pictures to show on the family reunion day, and watching videos on those long plane rides. With just over four hours of battery life, the Song Vaio is the perfect travel laptop. Whether the user is a businessman, a university student, or the average adult, the Vaio makes everything portable, but still easy to access, a grocery list for example. Sony Vaio allows Internet access everywhere, and is handy for checking your e-mail, and other Internet functions. The Sony Vaio will always be with you wherever you go, and will help in making everything more accessible.


The Sony Vaio has all the functions of Windows Vista. It runs Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It has all the built-in applications of Vista such as calculator, paint, and even minesweeper. Instead of using a touch pad, it uses the old touch point mouse, commonly seen on most laptops. It uses WiFi, and has the ability to store thousands of pictures. The Vaio uses the size of an ordinary notebook, but makes it faster to take notes. It takes the framework of a laptop and shrinks it, but in a way that still makes everything nicely fitted. Vaio has the capability of running either Windows Vista, or Windows XP.


The Sony Vaio eliminates the need for portable DVD players, portable gaming systems, and palm pilots. The Sony Vaio has all three in one. It allows you to play DVDs and most PC games. The Vaio is half the size of most DVD players, and although slightly larger than the average portable gaming systems, the Vaio has an Intel GMA 500 graphics card, which allows better graphics than most portable gaming systems. Along with this, if you get bored of your old games, you can easily get Internet access and find new games without having to make a trip to the gaming store. The Sony Vaio grants the user access to their e-mails, and calendar eliminating a need for a palm pilot.


Due to the fact that the Vaio can be carried anywhere, and makes things easier to access, people may become lazy and say to themselves that they could do their work anytime now that it’s always with them. Perhaps on the train ride right before work. The Vaio could also end up distracting people more then benefiting them. During lectures instead of typing notes, students may start watching a DVD, or play computer games on their Vaio. Although the sole purpose of the Vaio P series was to make laptops more portable than they already are, sticking them in your back pocket may cause them to fall out, get stolen, or lost easily. Also due to it’s size and weight, it would be harder to realize that it wasn’t in your bag because the weight wouldn’t change by much.